Extra: Student Housing
It's possible to rent a room in Groningen for approximately €350-€400 a month, it's all up to the students preferences. For example concerning the neighborhood, if the price will be higher or lower. It's also possible to become a member of for example Lefier, one of the biggest housing associations in Groningen but as a student you'll have to keep in mind that you'll be placed in a queue because there's lots of demand for these houses because lots of housing are on the list for getting housing benefits from the government. This basically means that the monthly rent will be lowered due to the benefits you'll get. Due to this it will not directly be possible to get a room from Lefier. Other housing from individuals will not get housing benefits, this would make it a little more expensive to rent. But it's still possible to rent a room for a fair price in the inner city . There's a recommendation not to look at rooms with a broker as they might ask lots of money in advance and on top of the rent the first months for the advice they've given you.